UNSW get a high level of protection

UNSW get a high level of protection

Installations, News
With the increasing occurrence of terror attacks around the world, Sydney’s city council has been taking steps to enhance security around public spaces in the city centre. In June this year, the council installed concrete bollards along Martin Place at the location of the Lindt Café siege, to prevent terrorist attacks like those we have seen in London, Barcelona and Nice. According to a City of Sydney spokesperson, the bollards will help to “strengthen security in public places”. We couldn’t agree more. With terror attacks sparking fear, the best thing we can do is create safe zones for people, allowing them to go on with their lives unobstructed. By installing bollards, we ensure our right to move freely without fear. Australian Bollards is proud to assist with this process by…
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Customising bollards to seamlessly blend in

Customising bollards to seamlessly blend in

Installations, News, Removable Bollards
Gippsland Water has demonstrated that security doesn’t have to be boring or uniform with a beautiful custom installation. The installation consists of nine green powder coated bollards matching the colour of the electric cabinet they protect, taking a soft approach to hard security. Made by Australian Bollards, these custom bollards don’t just improve safety. They are also an aid in expressing the company’s identity. The bollards provide a flexible solution to Gippsland Water’s needs. Three of them are key lockable My Space bollards. They can be removed during the day and locked in place at night to prevent access. Another six fixed bollards make up a solid barrier at the back. Before Gippsland Water’s electric cabinet was fully exposed to car crashes or vandalism. Now the cabinet is protected by this…
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